
Hey there!
I'm Adam Horn.

Computer enthusiast and full-stack developer.



I've been coding consistently since 2021 when I enrolled in a bootcamp focused on full-stack web development. The experience taught me I enjoy solving the problems that I found with computer sciences and I have a solid grasp of the fundamental concepts. To gain a stronger understanding of key concepts and technologies, I enrolled in a computer science certificate program at a community college (the equivalent of an Associate's degree without the general education requirement).

Additionally, I have a Master's in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and a Bachelor's in Political Science and Communication. The collection of my abilities lays out a unique venn diagram of skills that have been very useful in all my endeavors.

Aside from my professional and academic credintials, I play recreational ice hockey, enjoy backpacking, traveling, listening to my favorite podcasts, and spending time with my dog and cat.

For my professional and educational experience, review my résumé.


Here is a collection of my recent development work. As I continue to do more coding and improve my work, I will display new projects here so please check back frequently. If you like my work or want to share feedback, please send me a note via the contact page.


This was my first group project as part of my coding boot camp. Users may search by Genre, Decade, Minimum Rating and Actor Name. The initial movie search is accomplished using IVA Entertainment Data Hub API. A random movie is selected from the IVA search results to be fed into the queries from uTelly API and the Movie Database IMDB Alternative (IMDB Alt) API to obtain the links to where a movie can be streamed and the movie poster, respectively. The site utilizes Materialize CSS framework. I am honored to have worked on this project with Joseph Guajardo and Skyler Blakeslee.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.


Here is a simple weather app I developed as a coding student as I was learning to use APIs. I used Bootstrap for much of the HTML and style code. It pulls data from the "Current Weather Data" API and the "One Call API" available on OpenWeather. The information produced is for current weather and a 5-day forecast for locations entered into the text input field. Current Weather returns current information on temperature, humidity, wind speed and UV index. The 5-day forecast produces information on the forecasted day's temperature, the forecasted low temperature, the forecasted maximum temperature, and the forecasted humidity for the next five days.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.

Quiz Project

Welcome to a fabulous, fantastical financial quiz! Here you will find a set of questions that test on some financial terms and financial history. Try, if you will, your best to guess at the right answer and find out your score at the end! For each correct answer, 10 points you get. For each wrong, however, lose 5 points and 10 seconds from the time allowed. At the end, each second left will be a point to your final score.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.

Password Generator

This project was part of my coding boot camp to develop a password generator using the JavaScript we were being taught. The instructions were to have us use prompts and confirms to verify certain parameters for the password. However, I was having trouble understanding the use of prompts and confirms for the assignment and found an instructional video that presented a different way to build the project.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.

Social Trailblazers Website

This website began as an optional holiday assignment for a coding boot camp to gain practice working with Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. The prompt was to create a fan site, the topic of which was our own choosing. Although I enjoy fictional entertainment, I thought I would take it more in the direction of a fan site for notable individuals and organizations actively involve with practicing change and impacting our societal norms.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.

Santuario de Tabata Website

This is a website I developed purely for practice apart from the boot camp activities. I wanted to engage the tools and skills I was developing in project of my own making. This site was built in phases. The initial phase was simply HTML but as I learned Bootstrap and CSS, I incorporated those languages and frameworks to make this site.

Click here to view my GitHub depsitory for this project.
Click here to view the live website for this project.

Let's Connect

I appreciate any feedback or connection and am working on a form-based submission. In the meantime, if you like my work or have questions about newer projects I may not yet or cannot post here, please connect with me via email! I look forward to connecting.